Our team RCO
We promise to deliver the highest quality, 100% natural, ensuring exceptional products and providing professional, close, and accessible attention to all living beings with ocular organs.
The excellence of our employees and the combination of technological advancements and natural wisdom are crucial to our organizational success.
We establish strategic alliances to achieve our mission of providing quality of life without glasses, without surgeries, and without eye discomfort. We aim for the RCO Visual Health Kit to be present in every home, working diligently to fulfill our business objectives.
We are committed to developing products with high-quality natural ingredients, aiming to enhance the visual health of every living being through 100% natural products.
We are a Colombian-American business organization with international projection.
Since 2016, we have been dedicated to the research, development, and distribution of natural products: cosmetics, homeopathic, and phytotherapeutic, with an exclusive emphasis on the visual health of people and their pets.
Our commitment to excellence, both in production and in customer service, keeps us in constant growth and expansion.
Therefore, we are recognized as the first company in the direct sales industry specialized in visual health, offering innovative and exclusive products with global coverage.
We operate in each country through agreements and alliances with similar organizations to streamline our management and achieve the fulfillment of our mission: To contribute to the quality of life without the need for glasses, surgeries, or eye discomfort through the regular use of the RCO Visual Health Kit in every home on the planet.
Our Team
Country Manager USA:
Lucy López V.
email: l.lopez@rcointernational.com
Phone: +1 646 384 0717
Country Manager Panama y Mexico:
Lca. Martha López V.
email: lcda.lopez@rcointernational.com
Phone: +507 6923 80 74
Country Manager España y CEO Central:
email: drlopez@rcointernational.com
Phone: +57 312 53 779 56
Country Manager Colombia:
Elizabeth López V.
email: e.lopez@rcointernational.com
Phone: +57 311 3312084
Marketing Colombia:
email: marketing@rcointernational.com
Phone: +57 315 8232376